
Posts Tagged ‘Rocky Mountains’

The black panther at the Big Cat House

The Black Panther Exhibit in the Big Cat House

Hello everyone. I was out taking a walk this morning on the Penny’s Pets sim, and stopped to admire once again the Big Cat House.  This was Penny’s first zoo like exhibit, really.  She based it on the Big Cat House at Chicago’s Lincoln Park zoo.  There are nine big cats on display and for sale.  She is exhibiting a Siberian tiger, a Bengal Tiger, a White Bengal Tiger, a Black Panther, a Leopard, a Jaguar, a Mountain Lion and a Snow Leopard.  Each of them is enclosed in a setting natural to his species. 

The building was inspired by a friend of Penny’s who works at a zoo in Florida and she went to her friend Marc Thurston to make her a building.  Penny can make buildings, but she doesn’t think she’s very good at it, so she will often ask someone better than she is to do the structures.  Marc looked at some pictures of the Lincoln Park Zoo’s Big Cat House and whipped out this structure in about an hour.  Penny was very happy because it allowed her to showcase her big cats, and lots and lots of people want an exotic pet in Second Life.  Recently, Penny did enlarge the structure as Marc had originally built it to hold 5 exhibits.  She pulled everything out and made room for her Jaguar and Mountain Lion so now it displays 7 exhibits with the 2 Bengal Tigers in the same exhibit.  If you’re interested in big cats, come on down and take a look at this exhibit.  And if you’re interested in having a tiger or a leopard or a jaguar as your pet, take one home with you today.
Murphy checks out the Special Exhibit Building

Murphy Checks Out the Special Exhibit Building

Across from the Big Cat House is another pretty new exhibit at Penny’s Pets sim.  Penny had the idea to make a Special Exhibits Building and her good friend Keera Woyseck stepped up to make this building for her.  Made of sleek black and frosty white marble, this building will feature a different theme of animals each month.  The first month it was constructed, she displayed Australian Animals and her exhibit included a wombat, a kangaroo, an emu, a dingo and a pair of koalas.  The month of August the theme was Bears and Penny created habitats for a grizzly, a black bear, a sun bear, a spectacled bear and a polar bear. The month of September hasn’t quite been decided, but Penny is thinking a lot about doing animals of the Rocky mountains.  We’ll have to wait and see what she decides, though.

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